Software Tools
Sight Distance Object Analysis (SODA) V1.0

Road Marking Extraction (RoME) V1.2

ABSTRACT: RoME (Road Marking Extractor) is a user-friendly, automated tool to extract and assess lane markings, developed by Oregon State University with support from the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT). The inputs to the program are point cloud (ASPRS LAS v1.2 format) and trajectory (asciitrj) data obtained by a mobile lidar unit. The outputs provide retroreflectivity evaluations that can be utilized for informed decision making for maintenance of road markings. The RoME tool contains a simple interface which does not require the user to have extensive knowledge of the program in order to successfully run it. At this time, road markings should be able to be extracted from most mobile lidar systems; however, the radiometric calibration applied for retro-reflectivity evaluation is specific to Oregon DOT’s current mobile lidar system (Leica Pegasus:Two) and will not produce correct results for other systems. Future releases may address these when radiometric calibrations have been completed and are integrated into the software.
Links to the Research Reports
ODOT Vol 1: Reflective Pavement Markings
ODOT Vol 2: Retroreflective Signs
Pactrans: Complex Markings
Links to Journal Articles
-Jung et al. Efficient and robust lane marking extraction from mobile lidar point clouds.
-Che et al. Pavement Marking Retroreflectivity Estimation and Evaluation using Mobile Lidar Data
-Che et al. Pavement marking reflectivity evaluation through radiometric calibration of the Leica P40 terrestrial laser scanner
Link to the program (full version including Matlab Runtime9.1)
Link to the program (small version)
Link to user manual, tutorial, and parameter sheet
Link to the test data set in international feet
Link to the test data set in meters
Link to annotated point cloud with complex markings