NCHRP Project 15-44
This effort was funded by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP 15-44) within the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academy of Sciences. The project officially began in September of 2011 and was completed in December of 2012. The full Report was published as NCHRP Report 748 and can be downloaded HERE.
NCHRP Project 15-44 Panel:
Thomas Taylor, Oakland, CA (Chair) – Eric Jackson, Washington State DOT, Tumwater, WA – Michael F. Balbierer, Delaware DOT, Dover, DE Lewis N. Graham, GeoCue Corporation, Madison, AL – Christopher C. Harris, Tennessee DOT, Nashville, TN – Alexa B. Mitchell, Missouri DOT, Jefferson City, MO Robert G. Rausch, TransCore ITS, LLC, Norcross, GA – Lincoln Cobb, FHWA Liaison – Thomas Palmerlee, TRB LiaisonCRP Staff for NCHRP Report 748
Christopher W. Jenks, Director, Cooperative Research Programs – Crawford F. Jencks, Deputy Director, Cooperative Research Programs Edward T. Harrigan, Senior Program Officer – Anthony Avery, Senior Program Assistant Eileen P. Delaney, Director of Publications – Sharon Lamberton, Assistant EditorThe Team

Dr. Michael Olsen, PI
Oregon State University

Dr. Gene Roe
MPN Components

Dr. Craig Glennie, Co-PI
University of Houston

Dr. Fred Persi
Persi Consulting

Marcus Reedy
David Evans and Assoc.

Dr. David Hurwitz
Oregon State University

Keith Williams
Oregon State University

Halston Tuss
Oregon State University

Dr. Mike Knodler
Innovative Data

Anthony Squellati
David Evans and Assoc.

Matthew O’Banion
Oregon State University

Martha Hales
Martha Hales Design

Alisa Bolander
Bolander Consulting